CTQ Masthead
Regular Store Hours:  Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri: 10:00am - 5:30pm,  Thu: 10:00am - 8pm,  Sat: 10:00am - 4:00pm
SPECIAL HOURS: Crazy to Quilt will be closed January 1st  - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Quilting Classes
Products and Services
Yours to Use
In Our Neighborhood
About Us
In Our Neighborhood

Our neighborhood is rich with opportunity! From exploring Cedar Falls/Waterloo
to joining other quilters living and working in the area, we think you'll enjoy
getting to know our neighborhood!


Keepsake Quilter's Guild - This NQA Chapter is based in Black Hawk County and has been in existence for 24 years. KQ maintains a very active schedule of events, projects and other opportunities that advance the enjoyment of the quilting art. Keepsake Quilter's Guild meets every third Monday of the month, (except December), from 7 - 9pm at Bethlehem Lutheran Church located at 4000 Hudson Road, Cedar Falls, IA. Meetings.

Friendship Quilter's Guild - This guild meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7pm at Redeemer Lutheran Church located at 2001 W. Bremer Avenue, Waverly, IA.

Cedar Falls Downtown - Community Main Street - We're located just a few blocks away from Main Street, but you'll enjoy visiting this restored downtown Main Street area when you stop by our shop. Full of a wide variety of stores, restaurants, coffee shops, and many attractions, you can make it a day or afternoon full of fun!

 Copyright 2025 by Crazy to Quilt